Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Imperial Guard

I am nearly finished my 3rd Plattoon of IG. Each plattoon is composed of 3 Infintry squads and a Command Squad. Each Infintry squad has 1 Seargent, 1 Vox Caster, 5 Regular Guardsmen with Lasguns, 1 Special Weapons, and a Heavy Weapons Team usually made up of a Auto Cannon. The Command Squad consists of a Junior Officer, a Vox Caster, Heavy Weapons Team and a Special Weapons.

Right now the Heavy Weapons Team in the Command Squad is being painted. After they are painted, I'll apply decals and the 3rd and last plattoon will be finished. There are pictures at:

I am still missing about 6 infintry from my 2nd Plattoon, but I'm currently not motivated enough to finish them. Although I did prime 2 Special Weapons infintry.

OS X update

I had to stop running Leopard back in late 2008 because of a faulty video card. The replacement card, an ATI 4870 did not have drivers for Leopard. That is untill 10.5.5 was released.

So a few months ago I went back to OS X. This time I installed from a retail copy.
I installed 10.5.5 and it appeared stable. Unfortunately somewhere along the way I upgraded to 10.5.6 and now I can't use Picasa or iPhoto because they cause a Kernel Panic. I could not figure out the cause of the Panic but if I didn't use Picasa or iPhoto everything worked. Lightroom worked fine too.

Right now I'm not using Leopard. Instead I am using Windows 7, which is a big improvement over Vista. I also am playing video games, so OS X is out of the question. Switching back and forth recently I discovered that the fonts are a bit smaller on Windows 7 and I like that. Although the UI in OS X is still superior.