My XV88-2 ended very badly. Although I was happy with some of the modifications I had made, I think my reach was greater than my grasp.
I wanted to make the missile racks on the back of the model less like the SkyRay and more like a rail. The original SkyRay design was not great, but in retrospect my idea was no better.
I wanted to make a magazine for the rail gun. That was a good idea but I simply couldn't build something that looked nice.
And lastly, the colors I choose were too dark in tone and didn't quite fit right. I wanted to avoid the standard 'Eavy Metal paint scheme, and go for something realistic. So I thought dark tones would be more realistic but the model looked bad. I choose Brown as my primary color and Cyan as the accent but the application was too jarring (lacked harmony). I've since learnt from SandWyrm's entry on theback40k blog.
I may leave the model as is, or re-paint it in the future.
Right now I am concentrating on my XV9. The original paint scheme was ok, but suffered from the same harmony issue as the XV88-2.