Thursday, October 15, 2015

Returning to a hobby

It has been almost 5 year since I last held a paint brush.  I am a little ashamed to say that the time I should have been devoting painting, I had spent playing video  games.  But I have an urge to return to the hobby.

So the first step was to set up my space.  Even though I moved in many months ago, I have been putting off unpacking my modelling supplies.  

First, I need to unpack the items for the display case:

Then  organize the desk a bit:

Now, I am ready to start painting.  The question is what to paint.  There are a few Tamiya models, but those are major projects.  
Tamiya Zero (great quality casting and parts)

Tamiya Desertised Challenger 2 MBT.  Note the water damage to the box.  Mold will be a problem.

I would need to invest serious effort into those.  No, I want something to ease me into the hobby.  Plus all of my glue dried up, so I would have to buy some more glue.

Maybe one of the 40k crisis suits. 
I bought this almost 10 years ago
Yes, these are good ones to start with... but still this one looks to be a bit more work then I want to put in right now.  I don't want to spend a great deal of time finding my modelling supplies;  I just want to paint something quickly... something I can get into quickly and finish quickly to boost my confidence...

Well what do we have here:
A few of my Vespid Stingwings

The Krootox rider. The casting/forging quality is shamefully poor.
These are great to start with.  I can do these in several stages.  And call it quits at the end of almost any of the sages.