Wednesday, August 19, 2009

OS X update

I had to stop running Leopard back in late 2008 because of a faulty video card. The replacement card, an ATI 4870 did not have drivers for Leopard. That is untill 10.5.5 was released.

So a few months ago I went back to OS X. This time I installed from a retail copy.
I installed 10.5.5 and it appeared stable. Unfortunately somewhere along the way I upgraded to 10.5.6 and now I can't use Picasa or iPhoto because they cause a Kernel Panic. I could not figure out the cause of the Panic but if I didn't use Picasa or iPhoto everything worked. Lightroom worked fine too.

Right now I'm not using Leopard. Instead I am using Windows 7, which is a big improvement over Vista. I also am playing video games, so OS X is out of the question. Switching back and forth recently I discovered that the fonts are a bit smaller on Windows 7 and I like that. Although the UI in OS X is still superior.

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