Thursday, November 08, 2007


I finally got Leopard installed.

My first attempt at installing it was a mixed bag. It installed fine but configuring it was terrible. I couldn't get the windows sharing to work. The hostname couldn't be configured, and I couldn't configure Terminal to be transparent.

This time around, I purchased a new external hard drive. And gave Leopard the entire volume and it worked. Install was slightly faster and everything configured correctly.

I think that my original problem was that I tried to import system settings from my old account and that might have killed things.

Will update as I get more experience.


I returned this morning to see that VMWare wasn't running. I had left it running last night. I started it, and then clicked run on the VM I wanted, and voila; It was already running.

There appears to be a problem with the Dock. It showed VMWare as not running. Troubling. I'll update on this.

Pictures of IG are to come soon.

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