Friday, March 19, 2010

Snow Leopard on x86

It has been a while since I wrote about my experience the 'hackintosh'. I suppose I should first identify the hardware that I have:

  • Asus P5K SE/EPU
  • Intel Q6600 CPU
  • ATI 4870
I think the above is the most relevant information. The motherboard contains the LAN, Sound Card and HDD controller, so in a way it is specifying a hardware set.

In order to get Snow Leopard working I had to get Leopard working. Leopard install is a bit easier than getting Snow Leopard because there are a number of pre-packaged Leopard install DVDs available. Snow Leopard is harder because of the DSDT modifications needed.

Fortunately for me JD Apolo from the InsanelyMac forums had almost the exact same hardware and wrote a wonderful tutorial about installing Snow Leopard. His tutorial is available at:

I should note that I had to perform the install a number of times to get it to work, but finally it did work and without any problems.

What I am missing right now is Sleep. The computer can't go to sleep; rather, it can, but it can't recover from sleep. Also, I have a feeling that my Graphics card is running hotter under Snow Leopard because the drivers aren't the greatest. The drivers should be getting the GPU to power down when not actively doing anything (like SpeedStep on the CPU).

I haven't had any Kernel Panics and I have kept the machine running for a few weeks non-stop. Although lately my Finder crashes, but it's fairly easy to restart it.

All of the programs I have run fine, unlike Leopard which caused Kernel Panics when I ran any google software.

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